Our Patriot Ancestors

Listed below are the Patriot ancestors of our chapter members, the state they served, and their service. American Revolutionary War Patriots include signers of the Declaration of Independence, members of local and state militias, members of the Continental Army or Continental Navy, men and women who rendered other types of aid to the cause of independence, and those taking oaths of loyalty. With a few exceptions, military service began with the Battle of Lexington (19 April 1775) and ended when the British evacuated New York (26 November 1783). Patriots may have also provided civil service, conducting public business in the newly formed American states.

Service Glossary


ADJ — Adjutant
CAPT — Captain
CPL — Corporal
COL — Colonel
CS — Civil Service
LCOL — Lieutenant Colonel
LT — Lieutenant
1LT — First Lieutenant
2LT — Second Lieutenant
MAJ — Major
MM — Minute Man
PS — Patriotic Service
PVT — Private
SGT — Sergeant
SLR — Sailor
SOL — Soldier
SMN — Seaman
WGM — Wagon Master
Spirit of 76  



William Allen, PVT, PS

Russell Barker, PVT

Andrew Beard, PVT

Artemus Blodgett, PVT

Nathan Bushnell, PVT

Joseph Clark, SGT

Josiah Dewey, PVT

Elisha Griswold, PVT

Levi Harrison, PVT

Timothy Howe, Sr., LT

Alpheus Pease, PVT

Elijah Peck, PVT

Samuel Price, PS

John Trowbridge, LT



Caleb Ferebee, CAPT, CS, PS

Solomon Salmon, PVT



James Bowdoin, SOL



Richard Kimball, PS



Levin Bestpitch, LT, CS, PS,

Andrew Boyd, PS

Johann Ramsburg, CPL, PS

Stephen Ramsburg, PS

Richard Shockley, Sr., PS

John Stoner, CAPT, PS



Simeon Alden, PVT

Nathaniel Avery, SGT

Nehemiah Batchellor, 2LT

Salah Bosworth, PVT

Robert Corbett, PVT

Thomas Dodd, SLR, PS

Francis Ellis, CPL

Abner Gleason, PVT

Epenetus Ketchum, PVT

Jesse Merrill, PVT

Joseph Moore, PVT

Charles Perkins, CPL

Henry Putnam, Sr., SOL

Eleazar Putnam, 2LT

William Shirley, PVT

Hiriam Thompson, PVT

John Tolman, ADJ, SGT

Joshua Twitchell, PVT

William Ward, CAPT

Ezra Washburn, PVT

Perez Waterman Sr., PVT

Seth Williams, LT


New Hampshire

Ebenezer Hackett, PVT, CS

Samuel Phelps, PVT



New Jersey

John A Gould, MM

Peter Stretch, PS

John Tway, PVT

Johannis Van Buskirk, PS

John Walling, Jr., PVT

John Potter, CAPT

Richard Shreve, CAPT

Isaac Quigley, CPL, WGM


New York

Johannes Gramps, PVT

Elias Hasbrouck, CAPT

Timothy Howe, Jr., PVT

Pierre Van Cortlandt, COL, CS

Simon F. Van Patten, LT

Abraham Van Wyck, LT


North Carolina

Robert Acock, PVT

John Brown, CS, PS

Isaac Cantrell, PS

William Davis, SOL

Robert Dickens, PS

Joel Gibson, PVT

Abraham Hester, PVT

Green Hill, MAJ, PS

William Hurst, SOL

Moses Justice, PVT (NC and VA)

Stephen Merritt, CAPT

Stephen Moore, LCOL, PS

Robert Shepherd, PS

Martin Speegle, PS

Humphrey Becket Tomlinson, PVT, PS




Abraham Banta, PS

William Crutchlow, PVT

George Elder, PVT

George Ely, PVT

John Eppley (Appell), PVT

Johan Adam Eppley (Appell), PS

George Eppley, PS

John Goodman, PVT

Stephen Hamilton, PS

Samuel Howell, Sr., PS

Caleb Maris, PVT

Jacob Mast, PS

Valentine Miller, PVT

Zachariah Rice, PVT, PS

Joseph Trego, PS

Jacob Van Meter, PS

Jacob Wetzel, PS

Ludwig Wisinger, PVT (PA and MD)





South Carolina

Maurice Simmons, LCOL, PS



Barnabas L. Chipman, PVT

Azel Holmes, SOL

Nehemiah Howe, CS, PS

Jacob Lockwood, PVT

Lazarus Wheeler, PS




Roger Atkinson, PS

Richard Bland, PS

Jeremiah Boone, PVT

William Buckner, CS

James Callison, PS

George E Dodson, PS

Caleb Ferebee, CAPT, CS, PS

William Glenn, PS

William Gragg, Jr., PVT

Joseph Hart, PVT

William Henshaw, CAPT

John Walter Key, SOL

Caleb Ferebee, CAPT, CS, PS

Peter Mauzy, PVT

Robert McCreary, CAPT

James Mitchell, LT

George Mountjoy, CAPT

William Mountjoy, PS

Joseph Nicholas, PVT

Leonard Page, PVT

John Phelps, PS

Peter Poythress, PS

John Pryor (Prior), PS

George Quisenberry, SOL

Thomas Ransom, 1LT

Charles Rector, PS

Jasper Seybold, PS

Seth Stratton, PVT

Peter Van Bibber, PS

Isaac Van Bibber, PVT

William Young, SGT

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution